food that can kill your dog

7 Foods That Can Kill Your Dog

Are you a Dog lover? If yes, you can feel the guilt when you stopped your dog to do something and he sits and makes a sad cute face. Right?

Yes, some dogs love to eat and some like to try what you are eating but keep in mind that certain human foods can be toxic to dogs, even if they are good for humans.

For this reason, giving human foods to dogs can be extremely harmful to their health, and in rare cases, fatal. There are numerous items of human food that should never be given to your dog. It’s not just a matter of being overweight, either. Some meals are extremely harmful to dogs, including a surprising number of regular dishes.

So, let’s start!


Avocados are one of the greatest foods for humans but that’s not the case for your dog. Consider the persin found in avocados. If you’re not allergic to it, it’s fine.

However, giving dogs too much could result in vomiting or diarrhea. Keep your dog away from avocado plants if you cultivate them inside. The fruit and leaves contain persin, as do the seeds, bark, and bark chips. Aside from that, avocado pits can get caught in the intestines or stomach and cause life-threatening obstruction.

If a dog consumes these, it runs the risk of developing fluid buildup in the lungs and chest. As a result, they may have difficulty breathing, which may cause them to become oxygen-depleted and perhaps die. Other fatal complications can occur if fluid builds up in the heart, pancreas, or abdomen.


Sharing salty snacks like pretzels or chips with your dog is not recommended. If they eat salt, your dog will become extremely thirsty and can get salt poisoning. Vomiting, diarrhea, sadness, tremors, a high temperature, and seizures are all signs that they have consumed too much salt. It may be fatal. Dogs are poisoned by as little as 4 grams of salt.

This implies that the popcorn and pretzels you’ve chosen are exclusively for you and not for them. 

Raisins and Grapes

Do not ever give raisins or grapes to your dog.  You might be wondering why?   Because they’re  dangerous to dogs and can quickly lead to kidney failure. Although reasons are unknown but research is ongoing.  Even a small amount can result in a trip to the veterinarian’s office for your dog. In fact, an examination of 180 complaints was conducted as part of a study.

The information that has come to light has been shocking. Even a small number of raisins was fatal to several dogs. It makes no difference if they consume them raw or baked, like in raisin cookies. Both types are deadly.  If these two ingredients are found in your breakfast cereal, keep it away from your dog. 

If your dog ate grapes or raisins by mistake, keep an eye out for symptoms such as vomiting, weakness, and diarrhea. Kidney failure is indicated by excessive thirst and infrequent urination.


The general public is aware that chocolate is toxic to dogs. However, many people are perplexed as to whether or not they should allow their dogs to consume Chocolate. The sugar content is a contributing factor. But wait, there’s more.

Chocolate includes theobromine and caffeine, both of which are difficult for dogs to digest. It’s possible that if a dog eats chocolate, it can get diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. While your dog’s size and the amount of chocolate it ate will play a role in the severity of any negative effects, experts warn even as little as 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight can be harmful.

Internal bleeding, heart attacks, seizures, and death are all possible side effects of consuming chocolate. Because of the higher cocoa powder percentage, unsweetened types are even more harmful to your dog.

Dark chocolate is more dangerous for your dog since it contains higher amounts of theobromine.

Onion and Garlic

Avoid giving your dog any kind of onion or garlic, including powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated. Even baby food sometimes contains onion powder.

Eating a lot just once can cause poisoning. Be on the lookout for symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Eating onions will cause anemia, which will make them extremely fatigued.  If the situation is critical, a blood transfusion may be required to keep your dog alive.

Onion poisoning is bad enough, but garlic poisoning are evenworse. Garlic can be toxic to dogs because of a chemical called thiosulfate, which damages red blood cells and can lead to their death. You’ll notice that your dog’s blood counts drop and that his urine turns a dark red color if he eats to much garlic.

Sweet Candies and Chewing Gum

The next one is Sweet Candies and Chewing Gum. To make them taste better, these have been sweetened with sugary alcohol. It’s safe for humans to consume, but for dogs its a different matter. If given to dogs in small doses, the sugar substitute xylitol can be lethal.

The dog’s blood sugar will drop dramatically if it eats anything that includes it. Within 30 minutes, you’ll start to see the effects. Seizures, vomiting, weakness, and even coma are among the symptoms. It all leads to death since it harms the liver so severely.

This means you can’t brush your dog’s teeth with human toothpaste. Use special toothpaste for dogs. And certainly, keep your dog away from all processed baked foods.


If you want an active dog, provide him some toys. Caffeine is deadly in high doses. Keep an eye out for coffee and tea, including the beans and the ground, when you’re cooking or baking.

Caffeine can cause restlessness, increased thirst, urination, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs within 2 to 4 hours after consumption. Caffeine overdose in dogs can result in irregular cardiac rhythms or lung failure, both of which are life-threatening.

Cocoa, chocolate, colas, and energy drinks should not be given to your dog. Caffeine is also found in various cold and pain relievers. So, keep an eye.

That’s all for today. Let us know which of the discussed food really shocked you in the comment section below.