Can Dogs Eat Olives?

Yes. Dogs can eat olives in moderation. Although dogs fed a complete and balanced diet do not require this additional nutrition, the vitamins and minerals they contain are beneficial to canine health.

Plain, unsalted olives may serve as a nutritious treat for your canine buddy.

On the other hand, the pits of olives may be dangerous even though they do not contain any poisonous chemicals. Olive pits may induce choking or blockages in the digestive tract of dogs.

Not to be overlooked is their propensity to clog airways and become lodged in your pup’s digestive tract, which should not be disregarded. The pits may also have the potential to break teeth if they become exposed.

Canines aren’t very concerned with simple, pitted olives, which are rarely a cause of concern. When it comes to canned or pickled olives, salt is frequently found in significant amounts.

Excessive salt consumption is detrimental to dogs’ health since it can result in dehydration and even poisoning if consumed in large quantities.