
Can Dogs Eat Edamame? Is It Safe To Eat For Dogs?

dogs watching bowl of edamame

Yes, your dog can eat edamame. Dogs love edamame and your four-legged canine friend can eat many different vegetables. Edamame are a safe, non-toxic, and a healthy protein snacks for pups. Despite being omnivores, dogs should not only be eating meat. They also enjoy eating vegetables and fruits.

Not just edamame,  your four-legged canine friend can eat many different vegetables.

Edamame is pods containing immature soybeans.

 How Are Edamame Good For Dogs?

Plain edamame without any seasoning, oil, and salt is safe for dogs. Remember to peel it and offer small amounts. Raw edamame is the best choice as a snack and seasoned edamame recipes should be avoided.

If your dog is tasting edamame for the first time, we recommend you to offer only two to three beans per day. Please observe your dog if you see any harmful signs. 

If he enjoys its crunchy texture you can continue feeding it. The amount of edamame fed should be small.

Edamame contains

  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • calcium
  • vitamin C & K
  • protein
  • thiamine
  • carbohydrates
  • magnesium
  • salts

The list below shows all benefits of eating Edamame for your lovely dog.

  • It has proven to have anti-inflammatory qualities. This makes it a good choice snack for senior dogs having arthritis and other inflammatory issues. 
  • Omega-3 poly-unsaturated fats help in maintaining healthy skin and a fluffy, shiny coat.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids keep dogs safe from diabetes as they age.
  • Dietary fiber present in edamame is good for digestive system and can help manage body weight.
  • They help ward off obesity because of their low fat concentration.
  • Edamame in your dog’s diet can control blood levels and keep dogs active.
  • It can help dogs enhance their memory. It helps dogs react quickly to commands by strengthening their mental health.
  • Edamame beans can help to lower cholesterol level in dogs.
  • A cup of edamame beans contains only 189 calories which is a healthy amount of calories for a snack.

When Are Edamame Bad For Dogs?

Edamame is an immature form of soy; it can cause allergies to some dogs. It is better to start with a small amount, give two or three beans per day.

The allergic signs normally don’t appear right away, but gradually. Allergic symptoms can be licking, hair loss, scratching, diarrhea, vomiting, and chronic ear infections.

Chewing and digesting the whole pod is not a severe issue for grown-up dogs. Little pups are susceptible to choking and digestive issues if eating whole edamame.

Although the pods are not poisonous the enhanced fiber content may lead to gastrointestinal issues. Your dog can get diarrhea, bloating, and gas problems if he eats a large amount.

Dogs don’t need high salt content in their diet, and even a small amount of salt in seasoned food can result in dehydration.

How To Feed Edamame To Your Dog?

A healthy dog can eat edamame, but make sure you only give them the beans. The positive and negative effects of feeding edamame to your dog depend on the way to feed them. Below are some ways to offer crunchy, delicious edamame to your dog.


Feeding raw edamame to your dog is normally the best way and it’s effortless as well. Remove the shell and sprinkle raw edamame beans on the top of any meal you are going to give your dog.


Some dogs may prefer crunchy frozen edamame beans to eat.

Steamed or cooked

Dogs love the cooked or steamed foods the same way their owners do. So, if you are boiling some edamame for yourself, it’s nothing wrong to boil a little extra to your dog. Boiling it can also kill germs and bacteria in edamame. But make sure to avoid seasoning like  salts, oils, and any flavor.


Mashing up raw or boiled beans makes it easy for your dog to eat the edamame. Give in moderate amounts.

Avoid entire meal

Do not offer only edamame as a meal to your dog. It should be mixed in with the normal meal.

Some other veggies that are good for dogs

Dogs are omnivores and you can give any of the veggies below as part of their diet.

  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Black-eyed beans
  • Green beans

Your dog can reap the health benefits from edamame as long as it is given without any seasoning and flavoring.

Make sure to remove the pod before serving to your pooch. Offer moderate amount occasionally mixed with other foods.

Your dog can enjoy the benefits of edamame if you follow the tips and precautions listed above.

If you notice adverse effects in your dog, contact your veterinarian.