Can Dogs Eat Tangerines? Are Tangerines Safe For Dogs?

dog puppy laying down with tangerine

Many human meals are acceptable for dogs to consume, but other human foods are harmful and even deadly for them.

So, it is important to understand which fruits are healthy for dogs to ingest regularly.

Yes. But in limited amounts. According to USDA, tangerines are a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C, along with folate and potassium that are helpful to dogs’ health and well-being.

On the other hand, Tangerines contain a considerable quantity of natural sugar, making them a poor choice for a dog’s diet because they are not healthy for them to ingest.

Tangerines and oranges are relatives in the fruit family, as both are citrus fruits. They have characteristics in common: being spherical, being orange in color, having a peel, and being naturally delicious. Despite the fact that tangerines are sourer than oranges, they nevertheless contain a significant amount of sugar when compared to oranges in their juice.

Some dog breeds have more sensitive digestive systems than others, especially for several mixed breeds. Consumption of acidic foods such as tangerines, for example, might result in symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. If one of these scenarios occurs, you will be notified that your dog cannot consume tangerines due to a medical issue, and you will be given instructions on what to do next.

Take things one step at a time and with care. When it comes to monitoring your dog, the most efficient method is to feed him a little piece of a tangerine every day for tracking purposes. Consider what you’ve observed and how your dog responds to what you’ve learned from it. 

As recommended by the vets, no more than two or three tangerine slices should be fed to your dog at a given time (two to three parts total). However, if feasible, provide your dog with a treat that has a lower sugar level than the one you are now providing.